Sunday, August 2, 2009

Two Part Blog: "Funny People"/ Fruit Flies

Yesterday I saw "Funny People" with my boyfriend. I didn't know 'til I bought the tickets that this movie was about 2hrs and 20mins. Yeah, what the hell kinda Sandler movie is that long? But I went in regardless.

I had a little background on the making of the film cause I randomly came across something on tv like a week ago. Pretty much Sandler was saying that this movie is how his life "could have turned out" because of his life long career, but not how it actually is. Its a bit more about the director Judd Apatow starting out -- who used to be Sandlers roomate.

So yeah its pretty much a comedic drama : comedian gets sick realizes how much his life sucks and then gets better and still manages to suck at life.

The cast is ridiculously hilarious. And cock jokes never get old. And theres a shit load of random comedians in it. Cast gets 5 stars. Oh and I really like the lead girl -- Leslie Mann. Shes definitely underrated.

But the movie dragged on a bit at times. I guess if we weren't used to movies being 1 1/2 hours I wouldn't have noticed but this felt long. Actually I take it back cause "Knocked up" was long and I didn't feel it. Whatever, I should be entertained for that long if I'm paying $11.50!

So over all Im going to give it 3 stars (out of 5) . It was really really really funny. You will laugh a lot but some parts feel long towards the end.

Now for part two of this blog.
I tied it together cause the movie made me think about it.. more.

Alright so Adam Sandlers character is lonely and loves his ex. Shes married with kids, but loves him too.I know its a movie but its realistic. Even married, the ex is an issue. Pisses me off...

For me the ex has always been an issue. If its not the guy still having feelings for an ex, then its the ex tryna get them back. Typically the latter. Pisses me off..

I like to think I'm an ideal ex. I just disappear! Or on rare occasion pay compliments(and unfortunately insults) to the new girl if such compliments(or insults) are due. But I don't talk about how they broke my heart, or how I miss them, or tell my friends to talk to them, or try to be their best friend, or their ex's new girlfriends friend, or any other endless possibility of dumb shit an ex can do to sabatoge a new relationship.

I mean I've probably done something like this if were both single after a while and feeling were still lingering. I mean when I'm done done done with something its usually cause I found a reason for it to be over. And I often deem people unworthy of my friendship or know when its just not a good idea.

So yeah, I don't get these ex girlfriend who are like gnats annoying the crap out of me, or fucking fruit flies hovering around me as if I were a ripened fruit all my life. Is this crap going to happen when I'm married? Does this happen to everyone or is it just me? Am I a single rotting fruit out here or are there more?

I know if I were completely secure it wouldn't matter, but I'm only semi secure. I'm a 20 yr old woman in america ergo I'm atleast semi insecure. But ex's suck. They have done nothing positive for my relationships. Ironically, they extended my awful relationships because I'm so freaking competitive. You have to wonder if you actually gave a crap about your significant other after a while or just didn't want their ex to have one up on you. Pathetic, but true. I've recognized that prior to my current relationship, i loved the challenge far more than the individual. My bad!

Love makes us do crazy shit, but I like to think love is a mutual connection. If only you feel it, well than I'm sorry dear, but you need to get over it. And if its meant to be, well it'll be -- on its own accord. Or maybe I won't fully know and understand and sympathize 'til Im on the other side, 'til I want my ex back, or vice versa. 'Til then fuck 'em!

"Its hard to accept whats right in front of us, but even harder to accept whats not." - me.

Didi out!