Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

" And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to acheive it. "

Friday, January 15, 2010

wisdom is a girls bestfriend.

You know those days when you wake up and don't like the world your in? Today is one of those days; I'm having a very 'off' day. Everything from the way my body feels to whats going on in Haiti, it all just seems so wrong....

Anywho, I'm back from my Vegas/Cali getaway. It was my first time on the west coast, and my first vacation with friends. I wasn't exactly prepared for it in more ways than one, but hey life is trial and error. Next time i'll know or atleast have a better idea of what to pack, who to go with, and where to stay. Overall I had a really great, eye opening experience and i'll definitely go back before the year is over.

My favorite part of the vacation was the sky. Day or night, when I looked at the clear sky, well that was it for me. That was my escape, my peace of mind, the mere definition of a vacation. I didn't have a care or worry. Everything seemed so perfectly in place at that moment. It was almost unreal to me. I think I left a little piece of me there on the drive from Nevada to California and back, just standing there in the middle of the interstate staring into to the sky, searching for all the answers. I'll go pick up that piece someday, but for now i don't mind.

I learned a lot about myself on this trip, good things and bad things... things I needed to realize to move forward in life. Its crazy this whole 'adult' thing. Its like no matter what you are constantly learning, growing up, and you are finally mature enough to actually realize it. Its like I see myself changing, rearranging thoughts and patterns in my mind after each self dicovery. Understanding life differently, seeing a bigger picture. Its like... a massive puzzle. Sometimes you think you have enough pieces to make out the image but then sometimes you just mess up and lose one of the pieces you already had, but even failure grants you a new puzzle piece, and that puzzle piece appears to create a whole new image...all theses clues leading you to the answer but at the end of the day you don't even know what question you are trying to answer!.. oh life, you are such an enigma!!! i love you :)

Oh yeah so where was i..... So i didn't win big in Vegas, or run into celebs in LA, but I got more out of this vacation than I had expected. The way I see it, New York raised me so the rest of the world could embrace me.

Time to see the world through a whole new lens.
Peace and Love,

ps, the world seems just a bit more right after blogging.