Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hello hello.
So this is strictly me blurbing updates cause i have no time for indepth thoughts. I dyed my hair, or tried- dumb move the black stayed black the root is a devilish red.. but i like it.
im back at school, crazy busy - 6 classes, academic advising intern, menta health peer educator, , PR for Minorities in Psychology, Cultural Advocacy Chair for Latin American Student Org.
Ill never write that out again - its APA, CHILL, MiPS, and LASO, respectively.
I also have my pretty baby to keep happy...
Were happy roomies and i love him soo much.
i had a weird dream that i was spinning in my own vomit.
the other side of campus is the best. less obnoxious-ness. so mellow and nature friendly and close to all my classes!
classes = great. 4.0 here i come.
im still chunky n tryna find the time to fix that
i want a bicycle to ride around school
i miss my pochi and my grandparents n momma n brothers already
im super excited about lifeeee.
looking into mental health counseling programs.. probably applying for my MA ... im not longer so eager jump right into a PhD program. scratched the 4yr plan.. i have time : )
im happy. im happppy im happpppy.

21 in 9 day!